Cyber Essentials Accreditation

Why Cyber Essentials Accreditation is Essential for Your Organisation’s Cyber Security

Today, every organisation needs cyber security to protect against rising threats online. The Cyber Essentials accreditation is a government-backed certification scheme developed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and managed by the IASME Consortium, which serves as an official cyber essentials delivery partner. This certification protects businesses against common cyber threats, ensures robust technical controls, and demonstrates a firm commitment to cyber security through the cyber advisor scheme.

At Ava Tech, we help organisations in the UK achieve Cyber Essentials certification and Cyber Essentials Plus certification. Our team guides you through cyber essentials assessments, readiness checks, and audits to meet cyber security standards efficiently.

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What is Cyber Essentials Certification?

The Cyber Essentials certification is a UK government-backed scheme designed to enhance information security and protect against security threats. It helps organisations stop common cyber attacks and apply security measures that align with the cyber essentials is a government-backed certification.

The Cyber Essentials Scheme Explained

The cyber essentials scheme uses five basic security controls. These controls form the base of a strong cyber security strategy:

  1. Firewall Configuration: Safeguard your network by controlling traffic between your systems and the internet to mitigate cyber security threats.
  2. Secure Configuration: Ensure devices and software are properly configured to avoid vulnerabilities.
  3. Access Control: Limit access to sensitive information and critical systems.
  4. Malware Protection: Use antivirus software and prevent malicious threats.
  5. Patch Management: Regularly update software to address potential vulnerabilities.

These five cyber security controls help reduce your organisation’s risk from common internet-based cyber threats and align with the cyber essentials controls in place.

Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus

Organisations can choose between two levels of Cyber Essentials certification based on their requirements and risk profile, ensuring they meet the necessary cyber essentials controls in place.

Cyber Essentials Certification

  • A self-assessment questionnaire that evaluates your compliance with the cyber essentials scheme.
  • Suitable for smaller organisations or those starting their cyber security journey.
  • Certification awarded upon evaluation by an official cyber essentials assessor.

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

  • Builds upon the foundation of Cyber Essentials with an on-site technical audit and vulnerability scan.
  • Involves testing by an independent cyber essentials assessor.
  • Offers deeper assurance and verification of cyber security measures in place.

Difference Between Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus: Understanding the distinctions can help organisations choose the right certification bodies for their needs.

  • Cyber Essentials: Self-assessment-based certification.
  • Cyber Essentials Plus: Includes a hands-on technical audit performed by an official assessor.

Both certifications help organisations protect against cyber attacks while meeting the UK government’s security standards and can be obtained through certification bodies.

Benefits of Cyber Essentials Certification

Why Achieve Cyber Essentials Certification?

The benefits of cyber essentials certification include:

  • Protection Against Cyber Threats: Cyber Essentials helps reduce the risk of common cyber attacks.
  • Improved Trust and Reputation: Demonstrate a clear commitment to cyber security to stakeholders by obtaining certification from recognised certification bodies.
  • Government Contracts: Many UK government-backed contracts require Cyber Essentials compliance.
  • Cost-Effective Security: Affordable cyber security advice and practical support to help you get Cyber Essentials certification.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance Benefits: Potential reductions in cyber liability insurance premiums.

Are you ready to strengthen your organisation’s cyber security but unsure where to start?

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Real-Life Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions

Problem 1 – Outdated Security Controls in Small Businesses

Many small businesses lack the resources or expertise to maintain up-to-date security controls. Outdated firewalls, missing patch updates, and poor access control leave them vulnerable to common cyber attacks.

Ava Tech’s Solution: Get Cyber Essentials certified to enhance your security measures.

  • Perform a vulnerability scan to identify weak points.
  • Implement the five basic security controls required by the cyber essentials scheme.
  • Provide ongoing cyber security guidance to ensure systems remain compliant.

Problem 2 – Third-Party Supplier Cyber Risks

Supply chain partners without cyber essentials accreditation can be weak links, exposing your organisation to indirect cyber threats.

Ava Tech’s Solution:

  • Evaluate third-party suppliers’ cyber security measures.
  • Ensure suppliers comply with cyber essentials certification standards.
  • Provide cyber security advice and practical support for secure integration.

Problem 3 – Remote Work Security Risks

The rise of remote work has increased reliance on internet-based cyber security controls. Many remote devices lack proper cyber security measures in place.

Ava Tech’s Solution:

  • Secure remote access through VPNs and robust firewall configurations.
  • Implement endpoint antivirus software.
  • Educate employees on common cyber threats and phishing risks.

Cyber Essentials Readiness Tool

What is the Cyber Essentials Readiness Tool?

The Cyber Essentials Readiness Tool is an interactive platform designed to help your organisation evaluate its cyber security measures. It identifies gaps in security controls and provides actionable recommendations to meet cyber essentials certification requirements.

Benefits of the Readiness Tool

  • Identify cyber risks early.
  • Get a clear roadmap to achieve cyber essentials certification.
  • Save time and effort during the certification process.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Protecting Your Organisation with Insurance

Achieving Cyber Essentials accreditation can make your organisation eligible for free cyber liability insurance, provided you meet certain conditions.

Key Insurance Benefits

  • Coverage against common cyber attacks.
  • Financial support for cyber crime recovery.
  • Potential discounts on cyber liability insurance premiums.

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FAQs on Cyber Essentials Accreditation

Is Cyber Essentials Certification Mandatory for All UK Businesses?

While Cyber Essentials certification is not legally required for all businesses, it is mandatory for organisations handling UK government contracts involving sensitive data. Additionally, it is highly recommended for businesses aiming to take cyber security seriously and reduce cyber risks.

How Long Does Cyber Essentials Certification Take?

The timeline depends on your organisation’s readiness. For most small businesses, the cyber essentials self-assessment questionnaire can be completed within a few days. However, achieving Cyber Essentials Plus certification may take longer due to the additional technical audit required.

What Happens After Cyber Essentials Certification is Achieved?

After certification, organisations must maintain cyber security measures in place. Regular vulnerability scans, software updates, and compliance audits ensure ongoing protection against cyber threats.

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Take Cyber Security Seriously with Ava Tech

At Ava Tech, we guide you through each step. We make sure your cyber security measures align with government-backed certification standards.

Get your Cyber Essentials certificate with Ava Tech today and secure your organisation’s digital future.

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